Coffee time

Michael (جوجل)
0 إجابةLet me just say if you’re in Egypt and you don’t visit this cafe, you’re making a big mistake. The ambiance is unbelievably comfortable, the air conditioning is the perfect temperature and the food/coffee/service is the best I have eaten/drank/received so far in this country. This is place is a wonderful refreshing oasis in a hot dry desert.

qwertasdfg123123 (جوجل)
0 إجابةQuiet place , tasty coffee , amazing place to refresh your mind , tried Americano coffee was 5/5 strongly recommended

Ayman Zaher (جوجل)
0 إجابةGreat flat white at the morning

muna turki (جوجل)
0 إجابةExpensive, but lovely service.

Bassant Ahmed (جوجل)
0 إجابةGood atmosphere
الموقع والاتصال
- 163 ش التحرير، ميدان التحرير،،, الدواوين, عابدين
- عابدين , Egypt
- كل ايام الاسبوع
- كاش